This website was developed by the Consumer Action Law Centre. The national Do Not Knock campaign is a joint venture between Consumer Action, Financial Counselling Australia, and Victoria Legal Aid.

This website and the Do Not Knock stickers are funded by a grant from the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).

We rely on a network of community based organisations to ensure stickers are widely available.  Click here to find out where you can pick up a sticker.

Consumer Action

Consumer Action is an independent, not-for-profit, campaign-focused casework and policy organisation.  Consumer Action provides free legal advice and representation to vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers across Victoria, and is the largest specialist consumer legal practice in Australia.  Consumer Action is also a nationally-recognised and influential policy and research body, pursuing a law reform agenda across a range of consumer issues at a governmental level, in the media, and in the community directly.

Since September 2009 we have also operated a new service, MoneyHelp, a not-for-profit financial counselling service funded by the Victorian Government to provide free, confidential and independent financial advice to Victorians.

The Do Not Knock campaign is one of the many campaigns we run to assist consumers in understanding and enforcing their rights.

Find out more at

Financial Counselling Australia

Financial Counselling Australia is the peak body for financial counsellors in Australia.

Financial counsellors provide information, support and advocacy to assist people in financial difficulty. Working in community organisations, their services are free, independent and confidential. Financial counsellors have an extensive knowledge of a range of areas of law and policy, including consumer credit law, debt enforcement practices, the bankruptcy regime, industry hardship policies and government concession frameworks.

 Victoria Legal Aid

Victoria Legal Aid  (VLA) provides a range of legal services that seek to protect the rights of socially and economically disadvantaged Victorians. Legal aid clients often experience high levels of debt and are partnering in this campaign to prevent financial hardship associated with signing up to contracts at the door or by telephone. VLA are supporting agencies to run Do Not Knock education sessions.  Between November 2011 and May 2013, VLA distributed over 300,000 Do Not Knock stickers. They developed a short DVD called Dealing with Door-to-door sales that engages older and culturally and linguistically diverse audiences, available in the Tips to Avoid High Pressure Sales page of this website. VLA produce a range of other high quality free legal resources – click here to access them.

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