Media release: Door-to-door salespeople meeting a sticky end

A national Do Not Knock campaign, aiming to put a stop to unwelcome, dishonest and intimidating door-to-door salespeople, has begun with the Consumer Action Law Centre launching a new interactive website

For many Australians, particularly the elderly and people living on their own, being visited by salespeople can be an unnerving experience. For others, having valuable time at home with family and friends interrupted by pushy salespeople is simply an unwelcome distraction. But help is at hand.

Campaign director Gerard Brody said the centrepiece of the campaign was the Do Not Knock sticker which, when displayed in a prominent location, sends a clear message salespeople—‘you’re not welcome here.’

‘We developed this sticker a few years ago and, not surprisingly, it struck a chord with community members, as well as organisations including Financial Counselling Australia and Victoria Legal Aid who have lent their support to the campaign.

‘Thanks to wide-spread support we’re now in a position to run a national campaign, where we can provide do not knock stickers to the community on a larger scale and give people a say about who visits their home.

‘We’ve also established a website,, where people can go to print their own sticker, find stockists and find out about their legal rights as a consumer and householder.

Mr Brody said the Do Not Knock stickers will not only significantly reduce the inconvenience of having people bother you at home, but it will help stop some of the dodgy sales techniques used in this form of selling.

‘Door-to-door salespeople often use high-pressure tactics to get people to buy products they don’t want, don’t need, and can’t afford—many of them are snake-oil salesmen plain and simple.

‘We’ve also seen cases of people being deliberately misled, and even being unwittingly signed up to high cost financing to pay for the product.

When a household displays Do Not Knock sticker the message to salespeople is clear, whether you’re selling electricity, vacuum cleaners, cable television or gym memberships, you’re not welcome here and if you do knock you will be considered to be trespassing.

‘Residents have rights but are often unsure of their position or feel rude telling salespeople to go away. We’re hoping that, through this campaign, Australians will start to assert their right to be left in peace,’ said Mr Brody.

‘Some businesses may kick up a fuss, but we firmly believe that residents should have a say in whether or not they are visited by salespeople and we won’t be backing down.

More information on the campaign, including where to get the stickers and residents’ legal rights are available at

Media contact: Dan Simpson 0413 299 567

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