Door-to-door sales: Consumer views 2012

The Consumer Action Law Centre recently commissioned research into consumer attitudes toward door to door selling.  Key findings are: 77% dislike door-to-door sales Only 3% have a generally positive opinion of door-to-door selling Consumers feel misled by in-home sales 56% of shoppers feel the greatest pressure to purchase when visited at home Click on here to read

Energy retailers urged to end to door-to-door sales

The Consumer Action Law Centre has challenged Australia’s energy retailers to put an end to door-to-door energy sales. The Centre issued the challenge on the back of new research showing 77 per cent of Australians have negative views of door-to-door sales. The research also documents concerns that this type of marketing places undue pressure on

Consumer Action welcomes clarification of legal position of Do Not Knock sticker

The Consumer Action Law Centre has welcomed the proceedings initiated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission against three energy retailers and their marketing companies in relation to door-to-door selling practices. Among other things, the cases will seek clarification on whether a Do Not Knock sticker amounts to a request for salespeople to leave under

MP calls for Do Not Knock register

We read with interest media reports that the Federal Member for Hindmarsh, Steve Georganas, will introduce legislation to create a  Do Not Knock register. The proposed register will be similar to the very successful Do Not Call register, which allows people to register not to be contacted by telemarketers. Consumer Action recently commissioned some research